Dr Yogendra Agrawal
Consultant Psychiatrist

Dr Yogendra Agrawal
Director of Psychiatry, MBBS, DPM, MD, FRANZCP, AFRACMA
About Dr Agrawal:
Dr Yogendra Agrawal completed his specialist training in India and subsequently obtained a fellowship from the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists in Australia. Dr Agrawal currently works with Monash Health in the youth mental health early psychosis program, and has also been in private practice since 2009.
Prior to this, Dr Agrawal has worked as a consultant psychiatrist in Latrobe Regional Hospital, Latrobe Valley and Sale Community Mental Health Services for more than 11 years. Dr Agrawal is Adjunct Lecturer at Monash Rural School of Medicine and is involved in teaching medical students and trainee registrars. He is particularly interested in working with General Practitioners on primary care. His areas of interest are mood and anxiety disorders, borderline personality disorder, perinatal mental health and organic and functional psychotic disorders in late adolescent and adult groups. Dr Agrawal also offers diagnosis and treatment of ADHD and Autism assessments.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I arrange an appointment?
Please consult your GP to arrange a referral before you book an appointment with Dr Agrawal. Appointments can be made by contacting our booking reception on 51609933 (Mon-Fri) or visit our office at 2-54 Grey St. Traralgon, (Wed-Sat).
We are unable to confirm any appointments where we do not have a current referral -referrals expire after 12 months.
Dr Agrawal generally conducts his regular clinic on Wednesdays and Saturdays, mostly in-person. On occasion, Dr Agrawal will provide additional telehealth clinics to cut waitlists.
Will Dr Agrawal see me regularly?
Becoming a regular patient of Dr Agrawal will depend on your needs, type of referral and Dr Agrawal’s treatment recommendations.
If you are referred for a single consultation (an Item 291 referral) you will be seeing Dr Agrawal for a single assessment appointment with a suggested treatment plan being sent to your GP, as your GP will intend to continue your treatment under their care. Ongoing patients will be booked in regularly.
I've been referred for an Item 291 appointment -what is this?
Item 291 referrals are a service that assists G.Ps in managing your mental health needs. Medicare allows G.Ps to refer their patients for a “one-off” assessment appointment for the purpose of obtaining a diagnostic opinion and a treatment plan with a Psychiatrist.
During a single consult appointment, Dr Agrawal will gather information from you and will provide a written plan to your G.P for you to continue care with your GP.
Due to Medicare rules, you may only access a single Item 291 assessment every 12 months and cannot combine this with regular appointments with Dr Agrawal. After your appointment, Dr Agrawal will provide a written plan to your G.P.
As Dr Agrawal will not have an ongoing treatment role, he is unable to provide any prescriptions at such appointments and will decline requests for medications.
What do I do if I need to change or cancel a booked appointment?
Please contact us by phone, email or by attending our office, as soon as you know you cannot attend your appointment. There is very high demand across Gippsland for access to Psychiatrist services and we can offer your appointment to our waiting patients. We try to make it easier to remember appointments by sending a range of courtesy reminders.
Please note: we have a late cancellation/non-attendance charge of $100 for any appointment that is not attended or cancelled with less than 48 hours notice (not including weekend and public holidays). To avoid a cancellation fee you must notify us by phone, email or in-person of your intention to cancel.
Is there a cost to see Dr Agrawal
Dr Agrawal works in a private clinic capacity. There are gap fees associated with most of Dr Agrawal’s services. Dr Agrawal charges according to the services provided. Initial appointments (new patients or not seen in 12 months) are longer appointments and will attract a higher fee. Medicare rebates can be claimed with a valid referral. Generally, the out-of-pocket gap fee ranges from $100 – $160 depending on the Medicare item number.
Mid-week online appointments for single assessment and treatment plans (Item 291 referrals), will be bulk billed (no charge) in most instances.
Where there are fees, we have the ability to pay the gap only, and we have AfterPay. We also accept WorkSafe, TAC, DVA and a range of other funders.
I would like an ADHD or Autism assessment -is this possible?
Our team have designed an ADHD clinic for the assessment and treatment of ADHD. We have dedicated clinic times for such assessments. Our team also provides Autism assessments and Dr Agrawal can provide a final diagnosis and level (where appropriate).
Is there any Bulk Billing (no cost) services?
Generally you should be prepared for fees to be charged for your services on the day, and claim a Medicare rebate which you will receive within 1-3 business days.
Initial appointments and Item 291 assessments attract higher fees as these are longer appointments.
We can give you an idea of the gap fees (generally $100-$160) for your appointment type, when you are booking.
We are currently bulk-billing online video-consultations for Item 291 referrals. These are conducted in the office with Dr Agrawal online and generally have no gap fee associated. We have limited number of these appointments.
If you will experience financial difficulty please discuss this with us. It may be possible to pay the gap fee only and arrange for a doctor’s cheque to be sent by Medicare.
Is there Telehealth available and how does it work?
Dr Agrawal occasionally offers Telehealth clinics. We use a secure easy to use video call platform.
All patients are welcome to attend our office where we have a private Telehealth Consultation room and we will ensure you can connect to your appointment privately and easily.
We are not able to offer phone appointments to new patients or to single assessment (Item 291) appointments. Item 291 telehealth services are generally bulk billed (no cost).
I need a Vic Roads assessment for my license. Does Ds Dr Agrawal provide these?
Dr Agrawal provides Vic Roads Assessments on request. A current GP referral is required for this service and usual consultation fees apply. Dr Agrawal cannot guarantee the outcome from any assessment, he will provide his professional assessment for Vic Roads to consider in their decision-making. More than one appointment is required. An additional fee for reports is charged which you will be informed of when booking.