Terri-lee Hill
Practice Owner/ Principal Mental Health Clinician
Terri-lee is a qualified Accredited Mental Health Social Worker, specialising in emotional health, counselling, treatment of mental illness, family mental health, consultation to organisations and professional development. Terri-lee has a Masters Degree in Social Work and Forensic Behavioural Science, as well as a Post-Graduate Diploma in Mental Health Science, a Bachelor of Social Work Degree and a Diploma in Social Welfare. Terri-lee has worked in clinical mental health services in senior positions for almost 20 years, with extensive experience in mental health assessment, treatment, crisis care, case consultation and liaison. Terri-lee is an experienced educator having delivered workshops, lectures and conference presentations to professionals, schools, community groups, networks and corporate groups on a range of topics. Dedicated to professional development, she has provided clinical supervision, mentoring and coaching to health, community and education professionals for over 20 years. Prior to her work in mental health, Terri-lee worked in the out of home care sector with vulnerable children and families, has been an accredited parent-youth mediator and an adolescent therapist. Terri-lee has been invited into schools, community organisations and teams to deliver services and consult. Terri-lee has held a number of senior positions and has implemented new programs and practices across service settings, as well as supporting organisations in managing change and developing staff.
More recently Terri-lee trained in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, a mindfulness based Cognitive Behaviour Therapy founded by Dr Marsha Linehan of the University of Washington. Terri-lee completed an intensive 2 year-post graduate level Comprehensive DBT training course with Dr Linehan’s training company Behavioral Tech, including being trained in the USA by Dr Linehan and other DBT experts. As per the requirements of DBT, Terri-lee participates in a weekly DBT Consultation Team and continues to update her training. Terri-lee has completed advanced training in DBT -Prolonged Exposure (DBT-PE) and one of the most effective treatments for Post_Traumatic Stress Disorder. Terri-lee has played a key role in the implementation of new DBT programs.
Terri-lee is also a trained Family Connections -Family DBT Group, program facilitator having been trained by Professor Allan Fruzzetti, co-author of the program and DBT expert. Terri-lee sits on the National Steering Group of the National Education Alliance for Borderline Personality Disorder, and is a National Trainer for Family Connections Leaders around Australia. Terri-lee leads Family Connections Groups, as well as appearing in a number of national webinars offered by NEABPD to raise mental health awareness.
Along with her interest in DBT, Terri-lee has co-authored an international publication on standards of practice for mental health professionals working with families where a parent has a mental illness and has participated in a number of research projects focused on family mental health and mental health and parenting.
More recently Terri-lee has trained in Veteran’s and Military Mental Health and actively works with the Defence and the Veteran’s communities to support optimal mental health.
Terri-lee is a longstanding member of the Australian Association of Social Workers and maintains a credential as an Accredited Mental Health Social Worker.